Simple process.

Real results.

  • Stage 1: Selection of baseline and monitoring methodologies

    Select the SOCIALCARBON methodology for your project. In parallel prepare your SOCIALCARBON indicators.

    The indicators are project specific and co-developers may choose between adapting existing indicators or creating new ones.

    SOCIALCARBON indicators receive scores ranging from the worst scenario (level 1) to the ideal scenario (level 6). Such degrees indicate the levels of sustainability correlated to six aspects: social, human, financial, natural, biodiversity and carbon components.

  • Stage 2: Project Design Document (PDD)

    Develop your project PDD and define a baseline for assessing the project’s contribution to sustainable development.

    Collect data used to score the indicators through participative methods, like interviews, questionnaires or meetings with stakeholders. Then summarize the obtained information in a section of the PDD.

  • Stage 3: Validation

    List your draft PDD on the registry and then choose a Validation / Verification Body (VVB) to validate the PDD.

    Once the VVB has completed their validation, we will receive a validation report. Following our review, your project will be validated.

  • Stage 4: Monitoring & Verification

    Develop a Monitoring Report for each monitoring period and submit it to independent verification, in order to verify the carbon emissions removed / reduced and demonstrate the project’s contribution to sustainable development based on the indicators chosen.

    Achieving sustainability is not a quick and easy task; rather, it is a long process of continual improvements.

    After the first carbon credit sale, project proponents:

    • Must demonstrate goals for improvement and provide evidence that they are being achieved.

    • Will not be allowed to present a decrease in the same aspect for three consecutive monitoring periods.

  • Stage 5: SCU Issuance

    After successful verification, you may issue Social Carbon Units (SCUs) on our Registry. Each unit represents 1 tonne of carbon dioxide equivalent that has either been reduced or removed from our atmosphere.