Our Roadmap

We understand how important transparency is to market participants. As a result, we are committed to publicly disclose our roadmap of work. We are committed to updating this roadmap on a monthly basis and will soon be adding polling to enable stakeholders to vote on which areas of work should be prioritized.

Planned / In Progress

  • We are drafting and plan to publish Key Performing Indicators to give market participants clarity on the standards we hold ourselves too and how we are performing against these targets.

    Progress: 90%

  • We are developing a Risk-Based Approach to strengthen how we conduct spot checking of projects and VVB reviews.

    Progress: 90%

  • A specific checklist per methodology will be created to support VVBs with their review. The goal of this work is to provide VVBs with methodology-specific guidance to support with the review of SOCIALCARBON projects.

  • To make it easier for project developers to review and select SOCIALCARBON Indicators, we are planning to consolidate the various indicators from different project types into a single document.

  • We developed the WeRestore platform to improve how documents are transparently shared between VVBs, Project Developers and ourselves, to track version control, the status of reviews, and communication between parties.
